
Legal Notices

MLP Finanzberatung SE regularly checks and updates the information on its website. Despite all due care, the data may have changed in the meantime. No liability or guarantee can therefore be assumed for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information. The same applies to websites to which reference is made via hyperlinks. MLP Finanzberatung SE is not responsible for the content of websites accessed via such hyperlinks.

Furthermore, MLP Finanzberatung SE reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided.


The content and structure of this website are protected by copyright. The reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts or images requires prior consent.

Arbitration Bodies

If the subject of the complaint concerns the brokerage of a real estate loan agreement, the consumer has the option of contacting the arbitration board at the Deutsche Bundesbank to settle a dispute with MLP Finanzberatung SE.

Arbitration board at the Deutsche Bundesbank
P.O. Box 11 12 32
60047 Frankfurt am Mail
Tel: +49 69 2388 1907
Fax: +49 69 709090 9901

European online dispute resolution platform
The European Commission has set up a European online dispute resolution platform at . As a consumer, you can use the online dispute resolution platform for the out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from online contracts with us.

Insurance Brokerage

Information in Accordance with § 15 VersVermV

1. MLP Finanzberatung SE is entered in the register of intermediaries as an insurance broker with a license in accordance with §34d Para. 1 GewO (Insurance Broker Register No.: D-4NZV-RPPMW-25). The entry can be checked at .

2. Responsible supervisory authority:

IHK Rhein-Neckar 3
L 1, 2
68161 Mannheim

Joint body within the meaning of Section 11a (1) of the GewO:

Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) e.V.
Deutscher Industrie- u. Handelskammertag (DIHK) e.V.
Breite Straße 29
10178 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 20308-0

3. Consulting as well as type and source of remuneration:

a) As an insurance broker, MLP advises its clients on insurance matters. The consulting and other services in connection with insurance brokerage are compensated by the brokerage fees (commissions) paid by the insurance companies, which are included in the insurance premiums. Therefore, the policyholder does not incur any additional costs for consulting in connection with the insurance brokerage and support provided by MLP. When brokering a net product for which no brokerage fees (commissions) are included in the insurance premium, the client pays a brokerage fee on the basis of a separate remuneration agreement.

b) The administration of insurance contracts and advice on the agreement, amendment or review of insurance contracts for clients who are not consumers can be provided for a separate, non-performance-related fee on the basis of a service agreement to be concluded separately.

4. MLP Finanzberatung SE has no direct or indirect holdings of more than ten percent of the voting rights or capital of an insurance company.

5. HanseMerkur Krankenversicherung a.G. has an indirect holding of more than ten percent of the voting rights of MLP.

6. Arbitration board(s) for out-of-court dispute resolution in the area of insurance mediation:

Versicherungsombudsmann e. V.

MLP Finanzberatung SE participates in the dispute resolution procedure of the consumer arbitration board "Versicherungsombudsmann e.V." ( ).

If the subject of the complaint concerns the brokerage of an insurance contract, the consumer has the option of calling on the insurance ombudsman to settle a dispute with MLP Finanzberatung SE. Further details are set out in the Rules of Procedure (VermVO), which are available on request or can be downloaded from the Internet at .

The complaint must be submitted in text form (e.g. by letter or fax) to the Insurance Ombudsman:

Versicherungsombudsmann e. V.
P.O. Box 080632
10006 Berlin
Tel. 0049 800 3696000 (free of charge)
Fax: 0800 3699000 (from abroad: 0049 30 206058 98)

Ombudsman for private health and long-term care insurance

MLP Finanzberatung SE participates in the dispute resolution procedure of the consumer arbitration board "Ombudsman for private health and long-term care insurance" ( ).

If the subject of the complaint concerns the brokerage of a private health or long-term care insurance contract, the consumer has the option of calling on the ombudsman for private health and long-term care insurance to settle a dispute with MLP Finanzberatung SE. Further details are set out in the "Statute of the Private Health and Long-Term Care Insurance Ombudsman", which is available on request or can be accessed on the Internet at .

The complaint must be submitted in text form (e.g. by letter or fax) to the Private Health and Long-Term Care Insurance Ombudsman:

Ombudsman Private Health and Long-Term Care Insurance
P.O. Box 06 02 22
10052 Berlin
Fax: (0049 30) 20 45 89 31

7. The client consultants act as commercial agents for MLP Finanzberatung SE in accordance with § 84 of the German Commercial Code (HGB). In the event of liability as a result of a breach of duty by the commercial agent, there is therefore a direct claim under civil law against MLP Finanzberatung SE.
online complaint form

8. Information on the inclusion of sustainability risks in insurance consulting activities and on the remuneration policy (Art. 3 para. 2 in conjunction with Art. 4 para. 5 and Art. 5 para. 1 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector):

As part of the selection of product partners/insurance companies (financial market participants) and their financial products, MLP Finanzberatung SE takes into account the information provided by the product partners. If expressly requested by the client, product partners and their products that clearly do not have a strategy for including sustainability risks in their investment decisions are not included in the client-specific (product) recommendations during the MLP consulting process (by the MLP consultant).

The respective product partner provides information on the type and scope of consideration of sustainability risks in investment decisions in its pre-contractual information. MLP Finanzberatung SE is not responsible for the accuracy of this information. If there are any questions regarding this information in individual cases, the client can contact the consultant in charge as part of the consultation and in the run-up to a possible transaction.

In order to assess sustainability risks, MLP Finanzberatung SE or the MLP consultant currently draws on the information provided by the product partners to take account of adverse effects on sustainability factors, even if this information is only available in rudimentary form.

Additional information from service providers, associations or organizations specializing in the assessment of these risks is also included. In principle, the broadest possible diversification of investments in financial products or, if applicable, within a financial product is also recommended with regard to sustainability risks.

Statement on the consideration of the main adverse impacts on sustainability factors in investment and insurance advice:

When providing advice, our aim is to be able to recommend a suitable investment/insurance product to the customer. In doing so, we also take into account the customer's preferences regarding sustainability, if this is desired. The customer can specify whether the desired investment should take into account environmental and/or social values and principles of good corporate governance and/or the main adverse effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors. Depending on the type of investment objective (investment in companies, countries, real estate, etc.), the legislator has defined "indicators" for the main adverse impacts of their investment decisions on sustainability factors in the following areas:

  • Environmental, social and employee concerns.
  • Respect for uman rights.
  • The fight against corruption and bribery.

Product suppliers are required by law to publish a statement on their strategy for considering and managing their most significant adverse impacts. This relates in particular to greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, biodiversity, waste, social and employee matters (including human rights and corruption). If the client decides that the main adverse impacts of their investment decisions on sustainability factors should be taken into account in the product selection, we consider the information provided by the product providers and the strategies set out by the product providers as part of the selection process.

MLP Finanzberatung SE uses, among other things, the assessment of rating agencies - where available - to carry out its own classification and selection method with regard to the information provided by the respective product providers in relation to the indicators listed.

An excerpt from MLP's own classification and selection method can be found here:

old-age provision (DE)

wealth management (DE)

As part of its insurance brokerage activities and the brokerage of insurance products, MLP Finanzberatung SE generally receives inducements, for example in the form of commissions, from its product partners. The amount of these inducements can vary depending on the insurance product recommended, but does not in principle depend on whether the recommended insurance product takes sustainability risks into account or not.

© MLP Finanzberatung SE (Version 1, 30.06.2023)